Grades 1-6


Body scans helps us to calm our minds and bodies. By focusing your attention on the way your body feels, you can slow down your heart rate and feel more relaxed or comfortable in a stressful situation. When we feel relaxed and calm, it’s easier to manage our feelings, communicate and get along with others, learn, and play.

Steps of the Activity

  1. Have students put their hands on their bellies, and ask students to take a long, deep breath through their noses while you count slowly from 1 to 5.
  2. Guide students to notice different parts of their body, beginning at their feet and ending at their head. Ask students questions to bring their attention to different body parts, such as:
  • Do your legs feel heavy or light?
  • Do your arms feel hot, cold, or just right?
  • Do your fingers feel tingly or still?
  • Do you notice any tension?
  1. Encourage students to notice the sensations in their body for several breaths before moving to the next body part.


  • What did your body feel like before you did a body scan (e.g., tense, heart beating fast, etc.) What about after? Did you notice a change in how your body feels?
  • When are some other times during the day that you could use a body scan?
  • How does noticing how our bodies are feeling help us in our everyday lives? At home? At school? On the playground?
  • How would you change this activity for the next time we play?

Ideas For Expansion

For primary school students:

  • Younger students may need more support visualizing their body. Consider asking students to lightly touch their body as the body scan progresses.
  • Encourage creative imagery by asking students to imagine painting their entire body from the tips of their toes to the top of their head. Students can visualize the color of the paint changing as it moves up the body.

For students in grades 5-6:

  • Students can lead a body scan in small groups or with the whole class. They can practice using a calming voice to help their classmates let go of any tension.

Target Skills



None required
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