Grades 1-6
Cognitive Skills


This game is about listening to others, remembering their contributions, and repeating them in the correct order. It’s important to practice our memory and listening skills because it helps us remember others’ contributions. When we remember one another’s contributions, we can build a strong classroom community.

Steps of the Activity

  1. Students stand in a circle (or sit at desks if there is not enough room to stand).
  2. One student goes first and says, “On my pizza, I like ____,” naming one ingredient such as cheese, pepperoni, sausage, or even something silly like chocolate.
  3. The next student says, “On my pizza, I like…” and has to repeat what the first person said and then add one item. The third person does the same, repeating what the first two people said and then adding a new item.
  4. After everyone has a turn, the entire class will say, “On my pizza, I do NOT like…” and will take off each of the items mentioned, starting with the most recent addition and removing each ingredient in reverse order.


  • What about this game was easy or hard for you?
  • What strategies did you use? What would you like to do differently next time?
  • In what life situations do you need the ability to remember information about others?

Ideas For Expansion

For primary school students:

  • Play this game using many different variations. For example, instead of saying “On my pizza” students can say “I’m going to school, and I will take ____,” naming one object such as a pencil, book, etc.
  • Draw or write ingredients and encourage students to reference the list.
  • For a greater challenge, ask students to add two items at a time.

For students in grades 5-6:

  • Encourage students to lead the game and create new versions of the game.

Target Skills

Memory and listening


None required
My Notes