Grades 1-6
Cognitive Skills


This game is about listening carefully for a key phrase to decide if you should or shouldn’t do a motion. When we listen carefully before doing a motion, we are practicing self-control. Self-control helps us think before we act.

Steps of the Activity

  1. Tell students they should copy your actions only if you say “Petryk Says” first. For example, when Petryk says, “Petryk Says, touch your nose,” students should touch their noses. If Petryk only says, “Spin around in place,” students should not spin around in place (instead, stand still). Sample actions include:
  • Jump up and down
  • Wave your hands
  • Touch your toes
  • Turn around
  • Touch your left shoulder with you right hand, etc.
  1. Play several rounds. End with “Petryk says sit down for our reflection.”


  • What about this game was easy or hard for you?
  • What strategies did you use? What might you do differently next time?
  • When do you need to use self-control at home or at school?
  • How else would you like to play this game?

Ideas For Expansion

For primary school students:

  • Speed up or slow down the pace of the game according to the needs of your students.
  • Invite students to come up with phrases other than “Petryk says..” that will also indicate that the movement should or should not be performed.

For students in grades 5-6:

  • For an added challenge which practices cognitive flexibility, change the rules of the game. Students should now copy the actions only when the leader does not say “Petryk says.”
  • To make it more challenging, the leader can do the actions whether or not he or she says “Petryk Says,” which tempts the players to follow instead of listening carefully.

Target Skills



None required
My Notes