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Rules for Our Cool Community

Grades 1-6


Imagine living in a world without any rules. What would that look or feel like? We are going to work together to create an agreement about how we’re going to spend our time together during school. Then, we will play a game to practice our ideas. When we all feel comfortable and ready to learn, we have successfully created a positive learning community for all of us.

Steps of the Activity

  1. Invite the children to work in pairs or teams about different rules for interacting with each other during the school day and expectations for spending time together. The children share their ideas, write them down or draw them as icons. For example: listening carefully to each other; raising a hand before speaking/asking a question; using “magic” words in communication, etc.
  2. If necessary, ask additional questions to formulate the rules in a clear and positive way, for example: “compliment each other” rather than “do NOT ignore the successes of others.”
  3. After that, pairs/teams to share their ideas with the class and choose common rules for the class. In pairs/teams, children can create 3-5 behavioral expectations. Then, by voting, they can choose the expectations that are most important to the class.
  4. Then, play a game of Simon Says to practice the rules on this list that can be acted out. For example, say, “Simon Says listen to each other,” or “Simon Says keep hands and feet to yourself.” Play several rounds, and if possible, let student volunteers lead the game.
  5. Repeat the activity several times during the week to help children memorize/refine the list of rules.


  • Why do you think it’s important for us to have rules and agreements in our classroom community?
  • How can we as a class help everyone follow our rules and agreements?

Target Skills

Building relationships and cooperation


Chart paper, whiteboard, or digital whiteboard
My Notes