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Self-Talk Superhero

Grades 1-6


During times of stress, it can be difficult to remind ourselves of all of the things that we can do. Today, we will learn a strategy called Self-Talk Superhero which we can bring to our mind whenever we need it. Our Self-Talk Superhero will help us practice using positive self-talk so we can appreciate our strengths and be able to harness them in times of distress.

Steps of the Activity

  1. Start this activity by having a discussion with students about what self-talk is (e.g., the way we speak to ourselves in our own mind).
  2. Have students share times when their self-talk helped them to do something hard (e.g., I was nervous before speaking up in the circle and then I told myself I could do it.). You can prompt this discussion by asking:
  • What was something challenging or hard that you did recently?
  • When you knew you had to do ___ (challenge), what did you tell yourself to be successful?
  1. Praise students for using positive self-talk and explain that they are already listening to their own self-talk superheroes. Then have students imagine their own tiny little hero on their shoulder, always ready to encourage them.
  2. Have students go around the circle and share what their Self-Talk Superhero’s favorite words or phrases are!
  3. When challenges arise in the classroom or throughout the day (e.g., tests, difficult tasks, strong emotions such as fear, anxiety, etc.), remind students to conjure up their self-talk superhero and ask them to say aloud what the superhero can tell them to help them be successful!


  • When is it helpful to use Self-Talk Superhero throughout the day?
  • What words are most helpful for you to hear? (e.g., “You can do it!”; “I believe in you”; “You got this!”; “You’re so close!” etc.)
  • What does your Self-Talk Superhero look like?
  • How would you change this activity for the next time we play?

Ideas For Expansion

For primary school students:

  • Invite students to use art or building materials to have students draw, paint, and create their self-talk superheroes. Share the images in the classrooms or in individual notebooks.
  • During read aloud you can ask about characters’ own self-talk superheroes and what they might be saying to them throughout the story.
  • Invite students to create a model of their superhero from classroom materials (e.g., creating an online model, building a model, making a sculpture, etc.).
  • Create a map of words and phrases students can use to feel confident and think positively about themselves, even in the face of challenges. Post this in your classroom and remind students to revisit it when needed.

For students in grades 5-6:

  • Role-play challenging situations and have students say aloud what their self-talk superheroes can say to get them through.

Target Skills



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