Grades 1-6
Cognitive Skills


This game is about exercising self-control to wait before doing a series of motions. If we practice slowing and thinking before we act, we will be in charge of what we say and do. This can help us to engage deeply in learning with each other.

Steps of the Activity

  1. The teacher begins by saying or doing a series of movements. For example, list of series of movements such as touching the stomach, then the head, counting to five and saying, “Go!” Students will then carry out those movements in that order.
  2. Next, repeat the order of the movements verbally to the students and ask them to count to 5 in their minds. Say, “Go!” The students then repeat the appropriate movements.
  3. Demonstrate 3-4 movements, then the students will count to 5 in their minds. When you say “go,” they repeat the movements.


  • What about this game was easy or hard for you?
  • What strategies did you use? What might you do differently next time?
  • When do you need to focus at home or at school?
  • How else would you like to play this game?


Ideas For Expansion

For primary school students:

  • Decrease the challenge by showing fewer movement or doing movements in a set pattern.
  • Invite students to become the leaders of the game and making up their own movements for the activity.

For students in grades 5-6:

  • Try the “opposites” game, students must remember the rule and complete the opposite movement when they see it (e.g., “Look tall” and students squat down). “Rules” can also be specific to each game, such as “When I touch my elbow in the sequence, you have to touch your head when you replicate the same sequence.” For added challenges, add multiple rules per sequence.
  • To increase the challenge, increase the number of instructions in each sequence, increase the wait time, or add intentional distractions (e.g., other students singing a song or doing jumping jacks in view of the students trying to remember the sequence).

Target Skills

Self-control and focus


None required
My Notes