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Loving-Kindness Practice

Teacher Wellbeing Kernel


In challenging situations, we may find ourselves casting blame or judgment on our actions. These reactions can impact our self-perceptions and prevent us from offering the kindness and comfort we deserve. Loving-Kindnesscultivates feelings of careand connection with ourselves and others. “Loving-Kindness Practice” can be used whenever you notice that your inner voice is sounding harsh or critical. Before starting the “Loving-Kindness Practice,” you may choose to complete the “Mindful Moment” Kernel to help focus your attention on your breathing and bodily sensations. As you engage in “Loving-Kindness Practice,” you will use these skills to stay grounded throughout the exercise.

Steps of the Activity

To begin this practice, find a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. You may choose to lower your eyelids and take a few moments to connect with your breath. If your mind begins to wander, pause and re-direct your attention to your breathing without judgment. When you feel ready, you mayreturn your attention to the practice.

Caring for Ourselves

  1. Begin by thinking of someone who brings you a deep sense of joy and happiness, such as a friend, family member, colleague, or teacher. Imagine that they are smiling at you and take note of the feelings that arise within your body.
  2. Place your hands on your heart and breathe in those feelings of love and kindness. Now, gently redirect your attention to yourself and repeat the following phrase or use any other comforting words that resonate with you.
  • May I offer myself love, kindness, and acceptance.
  1. Allow yourself to sit with these personal offerings of love and kindnessfor a few moments.

Caring for Others

  1. Begin to shift your attention to someone in your life who you’d like to offer the same sense of care and warmth. Imagine they are sitting across from you, but try to keep your attention on this person rather than stories or memories about them. If this happens, gently re-direct your attention and then repeat the following phrase.
  • May you feel love, kindness, and acceptance.
  1. Allow yourself to sit with these feelings of offering love and kindness to someone else for a few moments.

Caring for Your Community

  1. Now, shift your attention to people in your community to whom you’d like to extend kindness and support. They could be your colleagues, your students, your family, or others in your community.
  2. Imagine they are sitting with you and you are all smiling together. Keep your attention on these people rather than stories or memories about them. If this happens, gently re-direct your attention and then repeat the following phrase.
  • May we feel love, kindness, and acceptance.
  1. Allow yourself to sit with these feelings of offering love and kindness to your community for a few moments.
  2. Close the practice by taking a few breaths, then gently open your eyes and return to the room


  • How does it feel to offer yourself love, kindness, and acceptance? How does it feel to offer others love, kindness, and acceptance?
  • What about this practice was easy or hard for you?
  • Did you find this activity helpful in building self-compassion? When might you use this activity?