Teacher Wellbeing Kernel


It can often feel like a challenge to make time to slow down and focus on the present moment but spending even a few moments breathing and calming our bodies can help us connect with others. If you don’t already do so, consider trying mindfulness or meditation practices to explore the relationship between yourself and others, foster self-compassion practices, and stay present in each moment. This might help you be more focused and in-tune, less stressed, and better able to regulate emotions and show compassion to others in times of stress.

If you don’t already have a go-to meditation practice, explore these apps for meditations in Ukrainian.

  • Svitlo
  • Avrora
  • Rootd

Steps of the Activity

  1. Find a quiet environment, and allow yourself at least five minutes to meditate, turn inward, and become aware of your thoughts and feelings.
  2. For a simple breathing technique to use while meditating, try Box Breathing.
  • Imagine the shape of a square box in your mind. If you’d like, you can use your finger to trace the shape of a square box in the air. With each breath, imagine drawing one side of the box.
  • Breathe in through your nose for a count of 4. Hold your breath for a count of 4.
  • Exhale out your mouth for a count of 4.
  • Hold your breath for a count of 4.
  • Repeat several times.
  1. You can continue this practice as long as you would like. Try to stay in the present and bring your attention to the physical sensations. When you notice your thoughts wandering, bring your attention back to your breath. Offer yourself appreciation for doing this practice.


  • Was it easy or hard to focus during this practice? Why or why not? How could you create conditions that make it easier to completely focus on the present moment?
  • How did the practice make you feel? Accept whatever that feeling may be, comfortable or uncomfortable.